a.very brave kid
usually on a thursday little 'a' and i are up, making pancakes and then off to daycare so daddy can go to wok and be a good little bread winner. this thursday was an exception... "daddy, you can swim and play with me all day today?"... great idea little 'a' - done! a few phone calls later and the day was pretty much squared away work-wise. enter superdad (self praise is ok, i think).

as i mentioned in another posting,(say everything), the clan was gathered at the family cottage for the past two weeks which meant plenty of noisy soundbites flying around, each one louder than the last. breakfast was a frenzy of little people demanding nourishment and anxiously scarfing it down in record time. you see, breakfast was interfering with play... the beach is calling!

i watched little 'a' as she admired the bravery the older girls displayed as they merrily, yet fearlessly, leapt to what seemed to her, a terrifying uncertainty. to her surprise, with each splash, they would reappear from beneath the bubbling surface laughing and giggling. in for a closer look she went.

after checking it all out she must have decided there really was nothing to it. she turned back and called to me; "daddy, ummmmm.... will you come and let me jump too"? to which i resounded with a hearty hell ya! i'm all in for a new adventure with you little 'a'.
so i waded out to the scary, scary depths known as 'all the way to the
end' and told her to go for it. she was no stranger to jumping off the dock but not in these uncharted waters. this was an anxious moment for the both of us.
after many words of encouragement alot of 1... 2... 3... go's, little 'a' took her leap of faith with a successful splashdown; half in the water and half on daddy. mission accomplished houston. as fun as that was, it got kind of tiring after the 20th time but what will never tire m
e is seeing in her, a sense of accomplishment which stayed with her for the rest of the afternoon...

after many words of encouragement alot of 1... 2... 3... go's, little 'a' took her leap of faith with a successful splashdown; half in the water and half on daddy. mission accomplished houston. as fun as that was, it got kind of tiring after the 20th time but what will never tire m

at least until it was snacktime. well done little 'a'.
top that evil kenevil!
Loved this post. And the pics. She's so beautiful. Don't you love those moments? The accomplishments...Lola had a huge show for me one day recently when I picked her up from her dad's girlfriend's place. After making a grand entrance behind her dad while he announced her, she was jumping into the pool, canon-balling, jumping over her dad's head into the pool, swimming under water- this all two days after I'd had her swimming at a hotel and she wouldn't put her face in the water or even try to swim. I loved it. So happy.
thanks mel :)
every little accomplishment is like a little victory and i am so proud to be part of them.
i was laughing to myself reading your comments and the story about lola's "watch me mommy" in the pool. those are times we will never forget and it makes every big problem seem so tiny in the overall big picture.
you said it perfectly... "so happy". go lola go! :)
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