a.very nice home

august 28, 2006
little 'a' had quite the surprise tonight when i picked her up today. guess what little 'a'? daddy bought you a house! the reaction was pure delight at the fact i bought her something coupled with confusion and curiousity...
a: you bought a house daddy?
d: yes little 'a'... for you.
a: can i see it daddy?
d: hell ya little 'a', can i get a "rock on"
a: rock on daddy!
a: mommy can't come too can she daddy?
d: (under my breath) no effing way little 'a', no effing way
so we're there, the real estate people are there, the owers are there... it's a picture perfect moment. the pens come out, the paers are inked... ta da! it's a done deal. everyone is happy and my mortgage guy (who is now on the phone) is lickin' his chops.
ok, now, how do i tell the ex without her unloading on me for getting on with my life (as sad as it is)? a phone call... no effing way! email... naw, too impersonal. a singing telegram... fugeddaboudit, she has no sense of humour. ok... an email it is then.
the message was delivered politely and was as sensitive as possible. i left absolutely zero room for her to manoever between the lines and dig out some cruel, hidden yet fully intended meaning... wrong! a miserable voice over the phone crackled a spiteful and resouding "won't that be nice for you". oh, i forgot to mention that it was very sarcastic too.
all in all, it was not as bad as i had imagined. she was obviously still her same angry, axe-grinding, 'what about me?' self yet was intent on being cooperative. hmmmmm... the 'ex'? cooperative?
now i'm worried, now i can't sleep... oh the agony!!
hi skye... lol, yes it is a big playhouse for my little 'a'. comes complete with a built in chauffeur, cook and maid... me!
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