a.very good singer

friday, september 15, 2006...
i had a close group of my friends over on friday night. the food was awesome and plentiful, the bevies flowed nicely and the kids played flawlessly with the odd skirmish being the exception. halfway through dinner little ' a' quietly slipped away from our group... at least she though she had.
i watched her cunning plan unfold as she sllllowwwwlllly slipped off the chair, all the while looking in my general direction (i think she was waiting for my interference with whatever plan she had in mind). then, in a very intentionally innocent manner she la-la-la-la'd her way out of the room.
about 5 minutes later little 'a' came down in her brand new princess dress which daddy had bought her for halloween. little did i know that this would become a staple in her fashion regime until it barely fits or gets destroyed from use. she came in, dancing shoes clicking on the hardwood, her tiarra glittered in the candlelight and the lower portion of her gown whooshed perfectly outward as she made her talented little spins.
her smile oozed of happiness and pride and she didn't need to coax any praise from anyone present. we poured it on thick and the giggles which results were priceless!
later that evening, i found out just how well little 'a' could belt it out. we fired up the karaoke machine and she was on fire. never ever have i heard "old macdonald had a farm" sung so well, with such passion and intensity! and "row row row your boat"??? fugeddaboudit! i picked up the phone immediately to call my good buddy who works at sony to broker a future star dealio... no answer...
i'm sure he'll call me back this week?
How freaking ADORABLE! I just read your most recent posts on this blog, and now I wish I could be 5 again. You are such an amazing dad. Too cute. :o) Great blog!
Daughters are the best.
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